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The Big Swim Danny’s photos
On 1st September 2019, an intrepid team of experienced open water and cross Channel swimmers undertook the first ever swim to the Goodwin Sands. Led by school teacher Patrick Papougnot, a team of 6 left Ramsgate harbour before dawn to swim in ½ relays to North Goodwin Knoll. Arriving at the Sands 3 hours later, the team spent an hour exploring and appreciating the beauty and wilderness of the Goodwins before heading back to Deal where they arrived just after 12 noon.
The team completed the 15km swim in just over 7 hours, including the hour’s stop, by taking advantage of the spring tide and south streaming currents.
They were advised on their route by William Thomson, author of The Book of Tides and a support boat with pilot was chartered from Top Cat Charters of Ramsgate.
Future Events
Photo Exhibition – Richard Taylor-Jones gallery -this idea has been postponed due to you-know-what but we hope to go ahead with it sometime in the near future.